May Cattle Sale 2024
Saturday 18th May 2024
Forward: 157 Cattle, comprising 102 Store Cattle, 1 Incalf Cow, 17 Beef Breeding Cows and Heifers with 17 Calves at Foot, and 20 Cull Cows.
Kindly Sponsored by; Bainbridge Vets; Carrs Billington Agriculture; CT Hayton Ltd; IMEL; JMP Foodservice; Warrens ABP Ltd; King Hope & Co (Chartered Accountants); Mr FW Lawson; Newline ASP; NFU Leyburn; Spar - J Blades & Sons, Hawes, Fountain Hotel, Hawes.
Judged by Thomas Birkbeck, Soulby
Champion and winner of the J Blades & Sons (Grocers) Trophy, was a Limx Steer from E & K Bland, Gaisgill which made £1830 to M Cook, Ulverston.
Reserve Champion and winner of the Bainbridge Vets Shield was a Limx Steer from WM & JE Shuttleworth, Barbon and made £1670 to W Armstrong, Coxhoe.
1st & Champion, E & K Bland, Gaisgill, £1830
2nd & Res Champion, WM & JE Shuttleworth, Barbon, £1670
3rd - A & TA Blades, Hawes, £1390
4th - WM & JE Shuttleworth, Barbon, £1480
1st - WM & JE Shuttleworth, Barbon, £1150
2nd - AT Pratt, Hawes, £1200
3rd - E & K Bland, Gaisgill, £1260
Leading Prices: Steers:
Limousin – E & K Bland, £1830, £1300, £1110, WM & JE Shuttleworth, £1670, £1480, £1420, £1060, G & P Middleton, £1380,
RF & RD Kettlewell, £1380, £1340 x2, C Stanley, £1305, £1045, T Metcalfe & Son, £1285, £1260, £1140, £1125, £1110, £1105,
S Alderson, £1150, AT Pratt, £1030, J Alderson & Son, £1000.
British Blue – A & TA Blades, £1440, £1390, £1370, RF & RD Kettlewell, £1365, £1335, £1305.
Aberdeen Angus - G & P Middleton, £980, SM Iveson, £875, £830.
Hereford - SM Iveson, £880.
Overall Average £1175.7
Leading Prices: Heifers:
British Blue – JC Fawcett, £1570, £1510, £1505, £1500, £1450, £1430, £1370, £1330, £1310, £1300, £1240,
RF & RD Kettlewell, £1215, £1245, £1170, A & TA Blades, £1120, J Dixon & Sons, £1010.
Aberdeen Angus – Coverhead Farms, £1470, JF & GR Howard, £1220, 1095, AT Pratt, £1140.
Limousin - E & K Bland, £1260, J Alderson & Son, £1240, G & P Middleton, £1205, £1200 x2, £1000, AT Pratt, £1200, £1100,
A & TA Blades, £1175, £1010, S Alderson, £1170, £1010, WM & JE Shuttleworth, £1150, £1070, £1030,
T Metcalfe & Son, £1105, £1040, RF & RD Kettlewell, £1090.
Stabiliser – Coverhead Farms, £900.
Overall Average £1126.6
Leading Prices: Bulls:
Limousin - AT Pratt, £1390
Stabiliser - Coverhead Farms, £1295
Kindly Sponsored by Mr FW Lawson
Judged by Johnny & Neil Cowperthwaite, Eldroth
Hfr & Calf
1st - JW & ME Taylor & Sons, Dent, £2950
2nd - JW & ME Taylor & Sons, Dent, £3200
3rd - JW & ME Taylor & Sons, Dent, £2850
Cow & Calf
1st & Champion, JW & ME Taylor & Sons, Dent, £2900
2nd - AT Pratt, Hawes, £1980
Leading Prices:
Limousin - JW & ME Taylor & Sons, £3350, £3300, £3200, £3000 x4, £2950, x2, £2900, £2850, £2500 x2,
Blonde – JW & ME Taylor & Sons, £2900
British Blue – JW & ME Taylor & Sons, £2900, £2600, AT Pratt, £1980, JS Cloughton, £1020.
Continentals to 240p/kg, Coverhead Farms, Coverdale, Av. 212.5p/kg
Friesians to 170p/kg, J Scarr & Sons, Askrigg, Av. 167p/kg
Leading Prices per Head:
Continentals - JS & D Cloughton & Son, £1639, LC Scarr & Son, £1532, £1375, £977,
Coverhead Farms, £1485, £1449, £1412, £1374, £1304, £1277, £1272, £1112, £1099, AT Pratt, £1346.
Holsteins/Friesians - J Scarr & Sons, £1139, £1085.