Individual Females 2025
Saturday 18th January 2025
Kindly Sponsored by Eden Farm Supplies, SSBA (B District), RW Brown Agricultural & Motor Engineer & Denton Cars, Skipton.
Quality was in demand at the annual January individual show and sale of pedigree female sheep.
The sale commenced with a the new MV section which included Badger Face Texels and Dutch Spotted. Badger face Texels from MW & HE Pedley, Little Musgrave twice sold to £500 for gimmer hoggs. Dutch Spotted gimmer hoggs from J Stead, North Yorkshire twice sold to £300.
There was an increased entry of Bluefaced Leicester’s this year. Quality hoggs in big demand with lots of purchasers looking to buy in lamb sheep. The pre-sale show saw some impressive classes for our judge James Lawson to cast his eye over whom we thank for his time and expertise. The championship rosette was awarded to the first prize gimmer hogg, Redgate T70 from WM Hutchinson & Son, it was met with eager bidding going on to sell for £7000 purchased on behalf of Millie Richardson, Dufton. The reserve champion rosette was awarded to the second prize gimmer hogg Greenow T016 from M Allan, Knock Hall Farm selling to £2,800. The market topped at £11,000 for the much-admired gimmer Hogg Hewgill/T036 from M/s Lord attracting much attention ringside and eager bidding selling to M Anderson, Aberdeen with other gimmer hoggs from the same home selling to £3000.
In-lamb Leicester gimmer shearlings a strong trade and in demand, more could have been sold to the advantage of vendors. The first prize gimmer Midlock S123 from J Wight & Sons sold to a top £4500 purchased by M Anderson, Aberdeen who also purchased the pen leader from JC & E Pedley & Sons selling to £2500 who sold others to £2000. The aged in lamb ewes sold to a top of £2400 for the first prize winner from C & R Metcalf. The pen other in lamb sheep from AC & K Pye of the Emmetts flock sold the second prize gimmer shearling to £2000 and a one crop ewe to £1,800.
The Swaledale judging was in the hands of Laurie Blades who we thank for his time and expertise. The Hallam family of High Birkwith enjoyed a successful day taking the championship rosette with the first prize ewe, which went on to sell for £2,600 with the reserve championship rosette awarded to the first prize gimmer shearling from the same home selling for £2,500 both purchased by J Tully, Eggleston. The first prize gimmer hogg was consigned by J & SJ Bland that went onto sell for £1000.
The sale of in lamb Herdwicks was deemed a success with a buoyant trade throughout the sale. Leading the way was the consignment from AD & T Harrison, Holmbrook selling to a top of £1,200 purchased by R Marwood & Son. A successful day for the Harrisons sold other Herdwick ewes to £650, £450 twice and £400.
Show and Sale of Individual Bluefaced Leicester Ewes, Gimmer Shearlings and Gimmer Hoggs for the Bluefaced Leicester Sheep Breeders Association
Forward: 53 Sheep
Judged by James Lawson, Gragareth
1st & Champion - Lot 42 - WM Hutchinson & Son, £7000
2nd & Res Champion - Lot 23 - M Allan, £2800
3rd - Lot 59 - Messrs Lord, £11000
4th - Lot 60 - Messrs Lord, £3000
1st - Lot 29 - C & R Metcalf, £2400
2nd - Lot 9 - AR Edmondson, £1800
3rd - Lot 39 - AC Pye, £1800
4th - Lot 21 - JC & E Pedley & Sons, £2000
1st - Lot 44 - J Wight & Sons, £4500
2nd - Lot 40 - AC Pye, £2000
3rd - Lot 45 - J Wight & Sons, £1000
4th - Lot 19 - JC & E Pedley & Sons, £2500
Leading Prices:
Hoggs – Messrs Lord £11000, £3000; WM Hutchinson & Son £7000; Knock Hall Farm (M Allan) £2800; JA&R Caton £1800;
J Wight & Sons £1600 x 2; B Wight £1600; AC Pye £1400, Av. £1659
Ewes – C & R Metcalf £2400; AR Edmonson £1800, £1200 x 2; AC Pye £1800; Av. £1680
Shearlings – J Wight & Sons £4500, £1700, £1600; JC & E Pedley & Sons £2500, £2000, £1800, £1600; AC Pye £2000, £1400;
B Wight £1600, Av. £1673.
Show and Sale of Individual Swaledale Ewes, Gimmer Shearlings and Gimmer Hoggs for the Swaledale Sheep Breeders Association
Forward: 11 Sheep
Judged by Laurie Blades
1st & Champion - Lot 81 - P Hallam, £2600
2nd - Lot 74 - J Bland, £NS
3rd - Lot 68 - O Acton, £250
1st & Res Champion - Lot 82 - P Hallam, £2500
2nd - Lot 66 - O Acton, £350
3rd - Lot 65 - O Acton, £NS
1st - Lot 77 - J & SJ Bland, £1000
2nd - Lot 78 - L Bland, £920
Leading Prices;
Shearlings – P Hallam £2500, Av. £812
Hoggs – J & SJ Bland, £1000, Av. £600
Ewes – P Hallam £2600; JS&J Bland £1000; £450 JR&SL Pratt Av. £426
Leading Prices:
Shearlings – AD & T Harrison £350; £250; £200 x 2; D & DL Norman £200, £150 x 2 Av. £214
Ewes – AD & T Harrison £1200; £650; £450 x 2; £400; DL & D Norman £300, £200 Av. £521
Leading Prices:
Hoggs - MW & HE Pedley £500 x 2.
Leading Prices:
Hoggs – J Stead £300 x 2.