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Livestock - Sale Announcements

Mon & Tues 16th & 17th September

Annual Two-Day Show & Sale of 22,500 Mule Gimmer Lambs on behalf of NEMSA.

Judging 8am, Sale 9am. 

Sponsored by Eden Farm Supplies, Farmers Guardian, Carrs Billington, Phillip Holden (Rural) Ltd, Shearwell Data & Ash Tree Insurance.







New Sales Fixture - Thursday 26th September

''Hawes Hunks''

Show & Sale of Terminal Sire Breeding

Rams & Leicester Rams

Section for MV Accredited Rams.

Show at 3:30pm, Sale at 5pm





Friday 27th September

Sale of 3000 Store Lambs.

Cat closes Thursday 19th Sept 12noon.



Monday 30th September

12,000 Mule, Cheviot Mule & Cont x Gimmer Lambs & Shearlings at 9am. Cat closes Tue 17th Sept.



Thursday 3rd October

Annual Show & Sale of 673 Bluefaced Leicester crossing Rams & Females at 9am.

On behalf of the Bluefaced Leicester Sheep Association.






​Monday 7th October

Show & Sale of Swaledale Breeding Ewes & Gimmer Shearlings. 

Sale includes Uncrossed & Crossed ewes.

Catalogue closes Tues 24th September



Saturday 12th October

Annual Show & Sale of Swaledale Gimmer

Lambs & Shearlings.

Cat closes Tuesday 1st October

Belly clipping is now recommended for Prime Lambs


Vendors need to be aware that from December 2023 onwards all auction marts will require a copy of each producers Annual Veterinary Health Check (including the certificate number for all farms of origin) for Prime & Cast Sheep. Farm Assured Vendors are unaffected as your scheme membership covers this. Speak to your Vet for more info.

Small Portacabin Available to rent on site.


Contact the office for details


Land, Farms & Property - Sales & Lettings

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Land at Haylands, Hawes

Pasture land with river frontage extending to 5.44 Ha (13.43 Ac)

For sale by Private Treaty.

Guide Price £80,000.

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Land at Halfway, Hawes

Meadow and pasture land together with a field barn and river frontage extending to 8.70 Ha (21.51 Ac)

For sale by Private Treaty.

Guide Price £130,000.

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Land at Gayle, Hawes

Meadow land together with a stone barn and agricultural building extending to 2.68 Ha (6.63 Ac) 

For sale by Private Treaty.

Guide Price £200,000.

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Land in Widdale, Hawes

Meadow and allotment land together with a stone field barn extending to 29.30 Ha (72.40Ac)

For sale by Private Treaty as a whole or in up to three separate lots.

Guide Price for the whole £240,000.



Land at Thornton Rust, nr Hawes

Meadow and pasture land extending to 5.52 Ha (13.64 Ac)

For sale by Private Treaty as a whole or in two separate lots.

Guide Price for the whole £90,000.

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Land off Beggermans RdNear Hawes

Pasture land extending to 2.61 Ha (6.45Ac)

For Sale by Private Treaty. 

Guide Price: £25,000

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Land & Barn at West CloseNr Hawes

Meadow land together with a stone field barn ext. in total to 2.54 Ha (6.28 Ac)

For Sale by Private Treaty. 

Guide Price: £70,000

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Land off Cam RoadNear Hawes

Pasture land extending to 1.38 Ha (3.41 Ac)

For Sale by Private Treaty. 

Guide Price: £10,000



Land at MarsettNear Hawes

Rough pasture land extending to 49.74 Ha (122.91 Ac)

For Sale by Private Treaty. 




Land at CountersettNear Hawes

Pasture land extending to 1.42 Ha (3.51 Ac)

For Sale by Private Treaty. 

Guide Price: £20,000



Land at Thornton RustNear Hawes

Meadow & pasture land extending to 5.52 Ha (13.64 Ac)

For Sale by Private Treaty. 

Guide Price: £90,000

As part of the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) livestock farmers are now able to apply for funding to pay for a vet’s health and welfare review, which includes a farm visit and laboratory testing. The review’s report will identity priorities specific to each farm to improve health and welfare of livestock. Currently, this grant is open to farmers who are eligible for the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) and are likely to make a claim for BPS in 2023.
Payment Rates:
£372 for a dairy cattle review
£522 for a beef cattle review
£436 for a sheep review
£684 for a pig review.
For further information or help to apply then please contact Laura Alderson or James Alderson



The Slurry Infrastructure Grant is now available from Defra. Apply for grants of £25,000 - £250,000 towards the cost of slurry stores, covers and supporting equipment, to increase or improve storage capacity for up to 6 months worth of slurry. Applications must be submitted by 31st January 2023. Please contact Laura or James for further information.



The new Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) Scheme is now open!  Farmers will be rewarded for carrying out actions to improve the environment.
There will be a phased introduction of the SFI Scheme, with the first standards focusing on assessing and improving soil health and later in the year animal welfare.
If you are eligible for BPS then you are able to apply for SFI. There are also some opportunities to apply for SFI if you have a Stewardship Agreement.
SFI Agreements will last 3 years, with annual amendments possible.  Payments will be made quarterly. Payment rates available below.
Please get in touch with Laura or James for more information. Office: 01969 667207

Market Reports

Friday 13th September 2024


Total Forward: 2133


A Good show of lambs forward not just as big as last sale but buyers still willing to pay for well-drawn matching lots and buyers preferring dipped lambs. Texels topped the trade for some well grown fleshed lambs from T Metcalfe at £117.50 followed by T & G Farrow at £110.50, lambs with size would be worth £100 upwards with medium term lambs £85-£95 and long term Texdales £71-£81. 1220 Mules forward were easier on the last sale with less power about but SJ & AK Hirst topped at £110. JC Fawcett had a ring full of good big lambs at £101. Plenty of strong lots in the £90s and longer keep lambs were in the £80’s. First real look at Swaledale lambs topped by a proper pen of well fleshed lambs from A & M Brennand followed by M Kearton at £63.50. Store lamb entries invited for sale Friday 27th September 10:30am start.



Forward: 17


Leading Prices: 

Continental x:  F Bainbridge, £134, T Pounder, £129.


Total Gimmer Av. £132.24



Forward: 2116


Texel x to £117.50, T & G Farrow, Richmond, Av. £94.84

Mules to £110, SJ & AK Hirst, Halton Gill, Av. £87.48

Beltex x to £109.50, K Calvert Ltd, Bainbridge, Av. £104.51

Swaledales to £73.50, A & M Brennand & Sons, Chapel Le Dale, Av. £60.47


Leading Prices:

Texel x - T Metcalfe, £117.50, £106.50, T & G Farrow, £110.50, £101, C Hird & Son, £110, £103.50 x2, RI Capstick, £108.50,

K Calvert Ltd, £107, £101, O Snee, £106, TK Styan & Ptns, £106, B Clarkson, £105.50, C Stanley, £105, J & JH Whaley, £102,

LV & N Croft, £102, A & AJ Lambert, £102, £101, H Kirkbride & Son, £101.50, J Sunter, £100, K Metcalfe & Sons, £100.

Mules - SJ & AK Hirst, £110, £98, £90, JC Fawcett, £101, RW Ridley, £95, £91, £81, MP & HM York, £95, J Sunter  Son, £94.50,

J Dixon & Sons, £94, £91.50, WT Metcalfe & Son, £94, T & A Hird, £94, C Hird & Son, £93.50, JC & E Pedley & Sons, £93,

RH Close, £92, £87.50, DL Mudd, £91.50, JR Blades, £91, JS & D Cloughton, £91, S Alderson, £91, F Bainbridge, £90.50,

K Metcalfe & Sons, £90.50, W Dawson, £89.50, LV & N Croft, £89.50, J & SJ Bland, £89, WC Porter & Son, £89,

OJ & AJ Kendall, £88.50, £81, D & DR Alderson, £87, JH Pedley, 387, JW & ME Taylor & Sons, £85.50, A & AJ Lambert, £85,

AJ & J Sunter, £85, MP & HM York, £85, £84, AC & SG Ramsden, £84, A & NJ Heseltine, £82, AD Lambert, £81.50, KD Hulley, £81.

Beltex x – K Calvert ltd, £109.50, PF Goodall, £101, C Harper, £100.

Suffolk - W Dawson, £104.50.

Horned - A & M Brennand & Sons, £73.50, M Kearton, £63.50.



Tuesday 10th September 2024


Forward: 1595 Sheep comprising 1019 Prime Lambs & 576 Cast Ewes & Rams



The weekly sale of prime lambs saw an entry in excess of 1000 forward. The heavy weight well fleshed lambs continue to be in strong demand. Them better conformation lambs continue to sell in excess of the 300p/kg mark.  The overall market average was 265p/kg. Beltex lambs sold to a top of £159 or 331p/kg from R Mudd & Sons, Cubeck this was followed by other Beltex lambs selling to £152 from WJ Metcalfe & Partners. Heavy weight Suffolk lambs sold to £155 from BC Gregg followed by £150 from William Dawson. Heavy weight Texel lambs sold to £149 from MK Verity and £148 from AT Pratt. Romney lambs topped at £146 from JW & JH Burton followed by cheviots topping at £145 from Robert Cloughton with plenty more selling in excess of the £140 mark. Mule lambs sold to a top of £131 from J Scarr & Sons followed by other pens of Mule lambs selling to £127 from J Sunter & Sons and B Spence & Sons with plenty of pens selling in the early one hundred and twenties. Swaledale lambs sold to a top of £100 from Bainbridge Bros with more light weight Swaledale lambs now coming forward.  


Beltex to 331p, R Mudd & Sons, Cubeck, Av. 301.2p/kg

Texel x to 307p, MK Verity, Fearby, Av. 268.4p/kg

Suffolk to 293p, BC Gregg, Ellingstring, Av. 267p/kg

Mule to 267p, S Bell & Sons, Askrigg, Av. 258.6p/kg      

Overall Average: 265p/kg


Leading Prices:

Beltex - R Mudd & Sons, £159, £146, £138, £131, WJ Metcalfe & Ptns, £152, C & M Hugill, £138, £126, JH Sharp & Sons, £135,

J & J Postlethwaite, £130, £129, MK Verity, £126, CR & A Thornborrow, £126, A & NJ Heseltine, £114.

Suffolk - BC Gregg, £155, £132, W Dawson, £150, £133.50, DE & P Wilson, £148, £130, DA & MA Brown & Son, £138,

SL Hoggarth, £129, DB & A Hoggarth, £125, £105, C Hird & Son, £119, KJ Burrow, £118.50, RF & RD Kettlewell, £115, £113,

M Bell & Son, £114.50, AC & SG Ramsden, £110.50.

Texel x – MK Verity, £149, £132, £128, £119, AT Pratt, £148, £131.50, WJ Metcalfe Ptns, £148, £143, £129 x2, T Alderson, £142,

W & A Lambert  & Son, £140 x2, £118, TG & B Todd, £138, J Scarr & Sons, £137, £120, RW Clarkson & Son, £137, £117.50,

JR Calvert, £137, £131, A & H Watson, £136, £122, JW & JH Burton & Son, £136, £135, £127, DA & MA Brown & Son, £134.50,

BC Gregg, £134, £133, KJ Burrow, £134, £118, G Mudd, £131, £115, JR & LA Capstick, £130.50, S Alderson, £129, £118.50,

CR & A Thornborrow, £129, L Alderson, £129, GCL Stephenson, £128, £115.50, LC Scarr & Son, £128, Taylor Bros, £128, £125, Bainbridge Bros, £127, A & NJ Heseltine, £127, C & M Hugill, £126.50, D & A Cowperthwaite, £126, £115, M Alderson, £125,

RF & RD Kettlewell, £125, £122 x2, CR Alderson & Son, £125, JR Calvert, £124, HB Farms, £124, £120, JH Sharp & Sons, £124,

H Kirkbride & Son, £123, GM Sedgwick & Son, £122.50, A & H Wheldon, £122.50, JS & S Atkinson, £121, J Sunter & Sons, £120,

SM Elphick, £119, JR Fothergill £118, MR & LE Rukin, £118, P Dinsdale & Son, £118, J & J Postlethwaite, £116.50.

Romney - JW & JH Burton & Son, £146, £131.

Cheviot - RJ Cloughton, £145, JR & A Capstick, £128, DA & MA Brown & Son, £125.

Dutch Spotted - S Moore, £139, £115.

Charollais - P Keiley, £135, Croft Farm Ptns, £111, £110.

Mules – J Scarr & Sons, £131, £122, J Sunter & Sons, £127, £112.50, B Spence & Sons, £127, £122.50, S Bell & Sons, £125.50,

S Alderson, £125.50, DL Mudd, £125, RW Clarkson & Son, £124, £115, £105, JL Cloughton & Son, £121.50, £112.50, W Dawson, £120,

C Hird & Son, £120, Bainbridge Bros, £120, JS & S Atkinson, £119.50, £111, C & M Hugill, £119, WC Porter & Son, £118.50, £106,

A & H Watson, £118.50, GJ & JM Scarr, £118.50, J & SJ Bland, £117.50, W & A Lambert & Son, £116, JH Sharp & Sons, £115.50,

GM Sedgwick & Son, £114, G Mudd, £112, SL Hoggarth, £109.50, DB & A Hoggarth, £107, RF & RD Kettlewell, £104.50.

BFL - J Sunter & Sons, £129, £109, JW & ME Taylor & Sons, £120, £115, J Metcalfe & Ptns, £114.

Rouge - HB Farms, £116.50.

Hampshire - J Chapman, £109, £105.

Swaledales – Bainbridge Bros, £100, JR & SL Pratt, £87.50, B Thornborrow, £87, MR & LE Rukin, £85.50, J & SJ Bland, £80,

P Ewbank, £76, £70, GJ & JM Scarr, £73.50, CR Alderson & Son, £72, D Hodgson, £72, £70.

Blackface - P Dinsdale & Son, £90.



A good show forward today with 576 Ewes & Rams forward. Trade was brisker and fit not over fat sold to a premium. Beltex ewes topped the trade for JT Iveson at £200 followed closely at £198 by CR & A Thornborrow. Sledmere Estate sent a quality consignment from the Driffield and topped the Suffolks at £194 and cheviots at £144 following in both these sections was HB Farms Fadmoor at £165 & £140 respectively. Breck House Ent topped the BFL & Mule Sections at £150. 130 mules were improved on the week with 9 lots between £125-£148. Over 300 Swale Ewes forward selling to a top of £90 for P Ewbank but it was the larger packets of good grazing ewes which would see a lift up with only the leanest under £40 and most in the £50’s. Rams only 7 forward with Swales selling to £96.



Beltex to £200, JT Iveson, Hawes

Suffolk to £194, Sledmere Estate, Sledmere

Hampshire to £180, JT Iveson, Hawes

Texel to £178, JT Iveson, Hawes

BFL to £150, Breck House Ent Ltd, Bransdale

Mules to £150, Breck House Ent Ltd, Bransdale

Cheviot to £144, Sledmere Estate, Sledmere

Swaledale to £90, P Ewbank, Pateley Bridge

Jacob to £84, S Moore, Newton Le Willows

Rough Fell to £80, SW & TA Milner, Easington

Blackface to £70, JT Iveson, Hawes



BFL to £150

Cheviot to £135, S Middleton, Dent

Swaledale to £96, JG Brunton, Marske



Tuesday 3rd September 2024


Forward: 3 Calves 1779 Sheep comprising 1276 Prime Lambs & 503 Cast Ewes & Rams



The weekly sale of prime lambs had an increased entry of 1276 forward selling to a market average well in line with national market averages of 275p/kg. Once again well fleshed and lambs with weight continue to be eagerly bid for. The sale sold to a top of £160 for heavy weight Suffolks from Jess Labbate. Other leading prices for Suffolk lambs was £146 from L Bosomworth, who sold three pens to £140. 

Well fleshed shapely continental lambs continue to sell in excess of the 300p/kg with the consignment from JR & LA Capstick, Killington topping at 325p/kg or £152 for Beltex lambs purchased by C Steadman Butchers, Kirkby Stephen. Continental lambs topped at £157 for 51kg Texels from R Mudd & Sons, Askrigg. Other leading prices saw Beltex lambs sold to £149 from R Marwood & Son. Heavy weight Texels from A Lodge, Malham Moor sold to £149. Plenty more pens of well fleshed good conformation lambs sold in the one hundred and forties. 

Good to see the number of hill lambs coming forward continuing to increase and being keenly sought after by buyers with the consignment of well finished lambs from BD & PM Gill and Son selling to a top of £140. This was followed by the consignment of Mule lambs selling to £139 from J Allison & Sons followed by £136 from J Scarr & Sons with late forty kilogram well fleshed mules selling in excess of the one hundred and thirty mark.


Beltex to 323p, JR & LA Capstick, Killington, Av. 301p/kg

Texel x to 308p, R Mudd & Sons, Cubeck, Av. 276p/kg

Suffolk to 292p, DA & MA Brown & Son, Coverdale, Av. 278.4p/kg

Mule to 283p, J Scarr & Sons, Askrigg, Av. 269p/kg

Overall Average: 275.6p/kg


Leading Prices:

Suffolk -  J Labbate, £160, L Bosomworth, £146, £140 x3, £135.50, DA & MA Brown & Son, £140, K Milburn & A Devlin, £140,

R & JM Harper, £136, £120, A & TA Blades, £136, G Harper, £130, DB & A Hoggarth, £128, £126, £119,

Coverhead Farms, £123.50, £117.50, AB Troughton, £119, A Lambert, £118.50, £115, JH Pedley, £117, 

Texel x – R Mudd & Sons, £157 (to C Steadman Butchers, Kirkby Stephen), £135, £130, A Lodge, £149, £130.50,

K Milburn & A Devlin, £146, JR & LA Capstick, £146, £137.50, A Calvert, £145, £128, £126, A & TA Blades, £144,

B Clarkson, £142, £129, £126.50, T & LM Goad & Sons, £141, £134, ME Bainbridge, £141, DA & MA Brown & Son, £140 x2,

R Wood & Son, £140, £127, REC Simpson & Son, £139, £135, C Stanley, £138, £121.50, MR & LE Rukin, £138, £129,

AT Lambert & Son, £137, R Moore & Son, £135, J & J Postlethwaite, £135 x2, £129, T Pound, £134, HJ Thwaite, £133, T Alderson, £132,

H Kirkbride & Son, £131, MK Verity, £128, G Harper, £126.50, K Calvert Ltd, £125, M Bateman & Son, £124, RF Lambert, £123.50,

RW Ewan, £122.50, A & H Watson, £122.50, JS Lynas & Son, £122, J Scarr & Sons, £122, JH Pedley, £121.50, S Labbate, £121,

AC & SG Ramsden, £120.50, Collier Holme, £120.50.

Beltex - JR & LA Capstick, £152, £140, R Marwood & Son, £149, £144, £142 x2, T Pounder, £144, MK Verity, £143.50, £120,

K Milburn & A Devlin, £141, R Mudd & Sons, £141, £139 x2, £137, £133, £129 x2, R & JM Harper, £140, A & TA Blades, £134,

K Calvert Ltd, £124, £120.50. 

Cheviot - E Booth, £140, £120, JF & GR Howard, £118.50.

Masham - BD & PM Gill & Son, £140, £124.50, A Lambert, £120.50, £95.

Mules – J Allison & Sons, £139, £131.50, J Scarr & Sons, £136, £127.50, A Lodge, £134, J Dixon & Sons, £133,

JS & S Atkinson, £131.50, £129.50, £124.50, REC Simpson & Sons, £126.50, JJ & E Labbate, £126.50, K Milburn & A Devlin, £126,

JE Cowperthwaite, £125.50, £124.50, £122.50, DJ Amsden, £125, £117.50, RW Ewan, £124, SH TA & M Sutcliffe, £123.50,

S Bell & Sons, £121.50, JH Pedley, £120.50, ME Bainbridge, £120, AJ & J Sunter, £118, A & TA Blades, £118, D & DR Alderson, £118.

BFL - M Bateman, £126.

Hampshire - AC & SG Ramsden, £120.

Zwartble - LC Scarr & Son, £116.

Blackface - K Milburn & A Devlin, £115.50, 

Rough Fell - K Milburn & A Devlin, £90.

Swaledales – SH TA & M Sutcliffe, £88, BE Hall, £88, HG Lynas & Son, £76, R Metcalfe, £75. 



503 Ewes & Rams forward, larger ewes would be easier on the week in line with other centres. Topping the trade with a Texel ewe came from S & A Bland, Gaisgill at £198 followed by S Labbate at £182 & K Milburn & A Devlin & AT Lambert & Son both at £180. Beltex from L Blades made £182. Charollais followed at £175 & £168 for T Pounder. BFL Reached £155 for MK Verity and £142 for R Bland.  262 Swaledales forward top end ewes would be cheaper selling at £88 3 times and 10 lots between £75-£88 mid fleshed were slightly better at £59-£60 with grazing men looking for stronger sorts and leaner ewes had a good trade at £30-£50. Only a few Rams forward with Swales to £100 & £98.



Texel to £198, S & A Bland, Gaisgill

Beltex to £182, L Blades, Hawes

Charollais to £175, T Pounder, Bedale

BFL to £155, MK Verity, Fearby

Suffolk to £145, T Pounder, Bedale

Cheviot to £130, S Troughton, Sedbergh

Rough Fell to £128, E & K Bland, Gaisgill

Mules to £125, ME Bainbridge, Marrick

Masham to £120, A Lambert, Bainbridge

Swaledale to £88, MR & LE Rukin, Keld, J Allison & Sons, Swaledale & E & K Bland, Gaisgill

Gritstone to £82, A Lambert, Bainbridge

Dalesbred to £78, A Lambert, Bainbridge

Blackface to £67, K Milburn & A Devlin, Sedbergh

Herdwick to £60, E & K Bland, Gaisgill



Swaledale to £100, S & A Bland, Gaisgill

Rough Fell to £65, K Milburn & A Devlin, Sedbergh



Just 3 young calves forward all Limousins averaging £390. All from H Kirkbride & Son, Askrigg. Next sale of Calves Tuesday 24th September at 10:30am.



Limousin to £400, H Kirkbride & Son, Askrigg, Av. £390



Limousin to £380, H Kirkbride & Son, Askrigg    



Friday 30th August 2024


Show & Sale Kindly Sponsored by O’Reilly’s Accountants, Hawes.


The August show and sale of store lambs to include the show and sale of Continental and Suffolk Gimmer lambs was kindly sponsored by O’ Reillys Accountants and thanks to our judge Thomas Lawton, Northallerton for his time and expertise. 

The opening sale of Continental and Suffolk Gimmer lambs had a small entry which was well received with plenty of interest ringside in which more could have been sold and looking forward holding sales in the future. Strong quality gimmer lambs where keenest sought after with buyers cautious of smaller types. The trade topped at £185 for a pen of smart Suffolk x Cheviot Mules from R & JM Harper, Sedbergh, the second prize pen of suffolks was awarded to D Alderson, Brignall selling to £168 with both lots purchased by Sledmere Estates, Driffield. The first prized pen of Continental lambs was awarded to J Handley, Chapel Le Dale with a pen of smart ¾ Texel gimmer lambs selling to £168. This was followed by a Beltex lambs selling to £166 from Freddie Willison, Tebay. A pen of smart Texels out of Cheviot Mules sold to £145 from JS Cloughton, Bainbridge. All gimmer lambs averaged £133.38. We have customers asking for a larger groups of Texel x and Suffolk x gimmer lambs, please contact Kenton Foster on 07711469280 for more information. 

The fortnightly sale of store lambs was again saw a ring of competitive buyers looking to purchase all types of store lambs. The increased entry of 2714 sold to a strong overall market average of £96.81. 

Texel lambs topped at the store lamb trade at £125 from AT Lambert, Simonstone for a pen of 20 followed by the first prize lambs to £122.50 from WM Shuttleworth, Barbon. There were over 800 Texel lambs forward selling to an average of £101.41. The trade for Texel lambs saw short keep lambs in big demand and keenly sought after with more buyers coming on board for long term lambs and continuing to a look a good trade. 

There was another large entry of 1580 Mule lambs forward. A very impressive line-up of lambs for the pre-sale show with over ten pens for our judge. The first and second prize pen of mule lambs both achieved £115.50 from JS Cloughton, Bainbridge and JL Sunter, Downholme respectively followed by £114.50 from Stephen Alderson and £113 from JC & E Pedley & Sons, Little Musgrave. There was a market average of £94.15 for all mules forward. 

Beltex lambs sold to £115 from PF Goodall, Redmire and AP Moore with Beltex lambs averaging up nicely for a large number of longer keep lambs. The Suffolk section was topped by R & Y Willison & Son, Tebay selling to £125 followed by £109 for a pen of suffolks out of cheviot mules from Sledmere Estates, Driffield.

The next sale of store lambs is on 13th August 2024 with more lambs required each week at Hawes Auction.

Total Forward: 2714



Judged by Tom Lawton, Northallerton















Forward: 135


Continental X

1st - J Handley, Chapel-le-Dale, £168

2nd - JS & D Cloughton, Bainbridge, £145

3rd - D Hodgson, Askrigg, £118



1st - R & JM Harper, Sedbergh, £185

2nd - D Alderson, Barnard Castle, £168

3rd - D Alderson, Barnard Castle, £152


Leading Prices: 

Continental x: J Handley, £168, £112, R & Y Willison, £166, £128, £116, £107, R & JM Harper, £148, JS & D Cloughton, £145,

PF Goodall, £118, £112, £108, D Hodgson, £118, AD Coates & Son, £116, JR Calvert, £109.50. 

Suffolk: R & JM Harper, £185, D Alderson, £168, £152, R & Y Willison & Son, £154, £110.      

Total Gimmer Av. £133.38



Judged by Tom Lawton, Northallerton
































Forward: 2579 


Continental X

1st & Champion, WM & JE Shuttleworth, Barbon, £122.50

2nd - T & G Farrow, Richmond, £117

3rd - AT Lambert & Son, Simonstone, £125



1st - JS & D Cloughton & Son, Bainbridge, £115.50

2nd - JL & JA Sunter, Downholme, £115.50 

3rd - JC & E Pedley & Sons, Little Musgrave, £113


Texel x to £125, AT Lambert & Son, Simonstone, Av. £101.4

Suffolk to £125, R & Y Willison & Son, Tebay, Av. £106

Mules to £115.50, JS & D Cloughton & JL & JA Sunter, Av. £94.1

Beltex x to £115, PF Goodall, Redmire & AP Moore, Reeth, Av. £103.3


Leading Prices:

Texel x - AT Lambert & Son, £125, £115, WM & JE Shuttleworth, £122.50, £116.50, £108, PF Goodall, £118, £104,

T & G Farrow, £117, £107, S & RD Parker, £115, DH & JR Lowther, £113, £100, T Metcalfe, £112.50, £104, JS & D Cloughton & Son, £112, Sledmere Estate, £109, Booth Brothers, £108, JR Blades, £108, JH Sharp & Sons, £107.50, E Blackburn, £107, JR Rukin, £107, £100.50, JW Bentham & Son, £106, JR Calvert, £102.50, MR & LE Rukin, £100 x2.

Suffolk - R & Y Willison & Son, £125, Sledmere Estate, £109, Coverhead Farms, £103.50.

Mules – JS & D Cloughton & Son, £115.50, £98, JL & JA Sunter, £115.50, £101, S Alderson, £114.50, JC & E Pedley & Sons, £113, £96,

PF Goodall, £111, £98.50, TW & GM Hartley, £110, AL Dawes, £105.50, MJ & JD Handley, £105, WM & JE Shuttleworth, £102,

LV & N Croft, £101, M Bateman & Son, £101, J Dixon & Sons, £100.50, RMS Livestock Ltd, £99, WC Porter & Son, £99,

K & A Woof, £98.50, K Metcalfe & Sons, £98, BL Acton, £98, ST & SE Allen, £97.50, JH Sharp & Sons, £97.50, P Hallam, £97,

T & SB Procter, £97, J & JH Whaley, £95.50, DL Mudd, £95.50.

Beltex x – PF Goodall, £115, £109, AP Moore, £115, JR Blades, £112, £104, T & G Farrow, £110, £100.50, BL Acton, £102.50,

LV & N Croft, £102.

Hampshire - DH & JR Lowther, £90.

Cheviot - T & K Ellison, £98, BL Acton, £90.50.

Horned - M Kearton, £51, £48.50, Croft Farm Ptns, £49.



Tuesday 27th August 2024


Forward: 1532 Sheep comprising 940 Prime Lambs & 592 Cast Ewes & Rams



940 Prime Lambs 

There was an increased entry of 940 prime lambs forward selling to a slightly reduced trade of 286p/kg. Buyers continue to look for well fleshed lambs and cautious of leaner lambs and pens of lambs with lean lambs mixed in. Heavy weighted well fleshed lambs continue to see eager bidding selling to a top of £165 from RM Wilson, Selside for Texels. This was followed by heavy weight Texels to £164 from C Bell, £161 from R Marwood & Son and J Scarr & Sons and £160 from A Lodge. This was followed by the consignment from JR & LA Capstick selling to £157, £155 & £154. Beltex lambs at 50kg sold to a top of £159 from R Mudd & Son. Heavy weight Teeswater lambs from Bainbridge Bros sold to £152. Heavy weight mules topped at £151 from B Spence & Son. Plenty of pens of heavy weight mules sold in the early one hundred and forties. 

Well finished continental lambs continue to sell in the region of 300p/kg with better conformation lambs selling in excess of the 320p/kg mark. They peaked at 340p/kg and 337p/kg from JR & LA Capstick. 


Beltex to 324p, R Mudd & Sons, Cubeck, Av. 311p/kg

Texel x to 340p, JR & LA Capstick, Killington, Av. 291p/kg

Suffolk to 307p, DA & MA Brown & Son, Agglethorpe, Av. 286p/kg

Mule to 298p, Av. 276p/kg

Overall Average: 286.2p/kg


Leading Prices:

Texel x – RM Wilson, £165, C Bell, £164, R Marwood & Son £161, £153.50, £153.50, £148, £144,  J Scarr & Sons, £161, £150,

A Lodge, £160, £139, JR & LA Capstick, £157, £155, £154, £153, £140.50, £140 B Clarkson, £154, £150, TG & B Todd, £150,

Whyte & Percival, £150, £145, H Kirkbride & Son, £150, R Moore & Son, £148,  DA & MA Brown & Son, £144, N White, £143,

A T Pratt, £141, CR & A Thornborrow, £140, JW Porter & Sons, £139, N Iveson, £138, J&J Postlethwaite, £138, 

Beltex - R Mudd & Sons, £159, £151, £138, £136, £135, £130, JW Porter & Sons, £140, £130,

Suffolk - DA & MA Brown & Son, £147, R & JM Harper, £126, 

Mules – B Spence & Son, £151, £126,  JW Porter & Sons, £144, £130, £126, DA & MA Brown & Son, £128, N White, £127,

G Mudd, £127, S Bell & Sons, £140, £125.50, Bainbridge Bros, £139, A Lodge, £136, WC Porter & Son, £136, J Scarr & Sons, £131, 

Masham - Bainbridge Bros, £152, 

Charolais - JK Foster, £129, 

Swaledales – JR & SL Pratt, £106, £77, BE Hall, £75, 



592 forward and trade would be back on the week for some classes .Texels topped the trade for a pen of  6 from JT Iveson @ £176, other cont x ewes wouldn’t be as big as other weeks in general but next were CR Thornborrow and A Lodge @ £170 and £168 respectively. JT Iveson also had the highest price BFL @£170 followed by DT Dinsdale £148 and Walburn Hall £142. 147 mules were a level trade topped by a good ewe from K & A Sowerby ,Marsett but a further 9 lots achieved between £130-£140 with leaner sorts between £100-£120. 322 Swales forward and the top end and medium fleshed ewes would be easier on the week with the leanest about the same. Topping the trade was a big ewe from N Iveson , Gayle @ £118 with 9 further lots between £80-£94, medium ewes were between £52-£65 and leanest £35-£48.

Only a handful of rams with top spot going to a Texel ram from J & JH Whaley @ £195



Beltex to £148, Booth Bros. Sedbergh

Texel to £176

Cheviot to £125

Suffolk to £120, RM Wilson, Selside

Mules to £150, K & M Sowerby & Son, Marsett

Swaledale to £118, N Iveson, Low Blackburn

BFL to £170



Texels to £195, J & JH Whaley, Hawes





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